Blepharoplasty Treatment

Upper Lid, Lower Lid, and Combined


Want to tackle excess skin around the brows and lashes?

A blepharoplasty consultation can help you find practical solutions to reduce the appearance of tired & puffy eyes.

What is Blepharoplasty?

Blepharoplasty is a type of surgery that removes excess skin from the eyelids. Performed by our specialist cosmetic surgeons it is a common and safe procedure that offers a significant improvement in appearance.

It will offer a significant difference in appearance and patients are usually delighted after the procedure.

What creates the need for Blepharoplasty?

With ageing, eyelids stretch and the muscles that support them start to become weak. As a result, excess skin can gather above and below your eyelids which can cause sagging eyebrows, droopy upper eye-lids and bags under the eyes. This can reduce side vision or ‘peripheral vision’ so Blepharoplasty can help reduce or get rid of the vision problems so benefits are more than just cosmetic in some cases.

How does Blepharoplasty or Eye-lid surgery work?

An accurate assessment with one of our surgeons will be carried out to determine the level of surgery that will be needed and to assess if benefits will be purely cosmetic or if improvement in your vision is needed. They will identify the most suitable amount of tissue that may be removed which includes skin and may include muscle and some repositioning of underlying fat pockets.

The aim of the surgery is to restore and rejuvenate the appearance and patients generally look refreshed and more awake rather than looking as though they have had plastic surgery.

What makes Upper lid treatment different?

In an upper lid blepharoplasty, we generally focus on the area between the eyelashes and the eyebrow and. Upper blepharoplasty tends to look at “lifting” those problem areas to help with issue like brow overhang. Doing so can have an added effect of improving the appearance of upper cheeks without any treatment in that area.

What makes Lower lid treatment different?

Lower lid blepharoplasty involves the area between the lower lid eyelashes and the top of the cheekbone. Due to how visible it is, treatments tend to look at minimal options that preserve appearance

Is Blepharoplasty surgery right for me?

Do not hesitate to book a consultation below to discuss Blepharoplasty treatment options with us and see how much we can help rejuvenate your eyes with this treatment.