Inside the Eye
Contact Lens Related Infections
Contact Lens Infections
Wearing contact lenses may result in an infection of the underlying cornea, the “clear window of the eye” on which the lens sits.
What are the symptoms of Contact Lens Infections?
Common symptoms of contact lens infections include when the eye becomes painful, red and watering. The vision may become blurred, and there may be sensitivity to light. There may be a white spot on the cornea.
What is the treatment for Contact Lens infection?
If you suspect that you have a contact lens infection, stop wearing contact lenses immediately and consult the best ophthalmologist in London. Take the contact lenses and case with you to your appointment in case the specialist needs to examine them. Your specialist may start intensive antibiotic eye drops for contact lens wearers. Samples may be taken from the cornea to determine the actual infecting agent.
Are Contact Lens Infections Dangerous?
If caught early, the prognosis is generally very good and infections caused by contact lenses can be treated. However, if the contact lens infection is caught later there may be permanent scarring and loss of vision. In mild cases, it is usually possible to resume contact lens wear after treatment.
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