Eyelids and Tearducts
Eyelid Lumps

a close up image of an eye showing an eyelid lump

Eyelid Lumps

Eyelid lumps and bumps around the eye are very common. Many resolve spontaneously, such as a blocked oil gland (Chalazion). Any eyelid lump which is persistent, enlarging, or discharging should be investigated to rule out anything which may be sinister. Patients who are fair-skinned or who have a history of rodent ulcers or basal cell carcinomas should be especially vigilant.

What are the symptoms of eyelid lumps?

Eyelid lumps can be painless or painful. They can be any colour; skin coloured, yellow, white, black, red. Lumps on the eyelid can discharge or bleed. They can be itchy. They can grow quickly or very slowly.

What is the treatment for eyelid lumps?

The treatment for eyelid lumps depends on the likely diagnosis. Many simple cysts spontaneously discharge. Some will require draining. Any suspicious or unusual eyelid lumps will prompt a biopsy for a definitive diagnosis. If the eyelid lump proves to be cancerous your consultant will discuss all the options with you. Most eyelid cancers can be cured.

What are the leading causes of eyelid lumps?

The causes of eyelid lumps can vary; however, the main causes are usually one of the following:

If you are concerned about any form of eyelid lump that you are experiencing, it’s best to contact a specialist ophthalmic surgeon for a consultation.

Why choose SEE for Eyelid Lumps Treatment?

We fully understand that you want the best treatment possible when it comes to eyelid lump diagnosis and treatment. Rest assured, We at SEE specialise in surgical procedures and treatment for a vast number of retinal conditions with eyelid lumps being one of them.

Our expert team of ophthalmic surgeons provide nothing but attention to detail and strives to ensure you feel at ease by providing high-quality patient care and personalised eye treatments.